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Active Mobility

Naperville Bikeability

A Demonstration Plan for Making Biking Safer and Better Connected 

As is the case in many suburbs and small cities, Naperville is built for cars - roadways, parking lots, garages, driveways, intersections, signals, and signage are all car-oriented. Pedestrian infrastructure is a secondary priority, with some great places to walk and others that are downright frightening. But bike infrastructure that is safe and connected is sorely lacking, which is why we created the Naperville Bikeability report


Interns were a big part of researching, writing, and publicizing this report, resulting in a win-win: Our high school and college students learned valuable skills and gained the satisfaction of being part of improving their community. In turn, this project kicked off a coalition of community groups and individuals who are demanding active mobility infrastructure that benefits all.


Improving access to biking will also be a big win for the climate! Cities with great biking infrastructure prove the adage, "Build it and they will come!"

Bike infrastructure = More people choosing to bike = Fewer cars on the road = Reduced carbon and air pollution

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